Why Playing Educational Games Will Stimulate Learning!

Children do not usually like to play educational games as they might be boring or would rather do something else. Educators have noticed that children would much rather play games and use media today, so why not combine learning and games. The age levels of the games go all the way from age 5 to even 17+ (there are military simulators to help soldiers that is why there is even beyond age 17). If your child makes use of these games and plays them, they will be sure to learn a couple of things and help prepare them for their future. But do not rely on these games to teach your kid everything—school and other experts are there for a reason!

Many companies started using popular shows like Dora and Spongebob to create learning games. Basic games can be from select the letter that comes after ‘B’ (C if you did not know :P ) to learning how to count your numbers. These are a great base for children when learning basic language skills. These educational games increase difficulty as the child gets older, to games like completing sentences to what type of sentence is this—statement, interrogative, declarative, or imperative. Even games for teens are out there such as science games in learning different reactions and physics games to figure out velocity, speed, and other things. Games are a great way to learn things, these games are for all ages and people really depending on age.

Now as you can see why educators are using educational games to increase the learning of a child or teen. They greatly boost the child’s interest in learning as they feel some sort of reward or accomplishment when playing a game. Now I’m not saying this should be the only way your child should learn because there should still be a strong schooling influence on them. It just helps to gain more interest and a break from conventional learning.

For more info go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_Games_in_Education